Lindfield Netball Club
Play Netball with Lindfield
Lindfield Netball Club is proud to be part of the Ku-ring-gai Netball Association (KNA). We participate in the Winter competition where we field an average of 40 teams through all age groups - from NetSetGo to Seniors and welcome players of all ages, abilities and identities. Our club also participates in KNA's Spring competition for U9 to Seniors and Thursday night Fast Five and these competitions include mixed teams.
Registration will open on 1 January 2025. Should you have any questions, please email registrar@lindfieldnetball.org or secretary@lindfieldnetball.org. Please allow time for a response as our volunteers are spending time with their families over the summer.
For more information regarding KNA's policies please visit the KNA website.
2025 Registration
Registrations for Winter 2025 will open 1 JANUARY 2025
NetSetGo (born 2015-2020): https://www.playhq.com/netball-australia/register/95b741
Junior & Senior (born 2014 or before): https://www.playhq.com/netball-australia/register/17f291
Fast 5 (Thursday nights) - www.playhq.com/netball-australia/register/158415
Should you have any questions regarding registration please contact our Club Registrar (registrar@lindfieldnetball.org).
If you are new to our club and have played in any netball association representative team or development squad in the past 3 years, please contact our Club Registrar prior to registering.
How are teams formed?
NetSetGo teams are formed based on age, experience, and where possible with at least one friend in the team. This is a mixed competition, all genders are welcome to play.
All NSG team requests should be made during registration to netsetgo@lindfieldnetball.org. We will do our best to accommodate these requests, however we do need to ensure each
registered player is in a team which is suitable for their age and experience.
2025 NetSetGo game times (TBC)
8am/9am 8’s games
10am/11am 7’s games
12pm/1pm 6’s games
12pm/1pm 5’s skills sessions and short game.These age groups are mixed competitions. Junior teams are formed through a grading process, where we match up players who are in the same age group AND at a similar point in their skill development. This allows players to learn and grow at their own pace, and helps Coaches plan and develop sessions across the season. All players attend a pre-season grading day where our independent Graders create groups after watching everyone play at least 2 short games. Please let your child know about this process prior to attending grading, and they may make some new "netball friends" in their team. If your child is born January - March and would like to apply to play up an age group, please contact registrar@lindfieldnetball.org, for advice regarding this possibility.
These age groups are female only competitions. Teams can be formed through social groups or we can assist in team formation by placing complementary smaller groups and individuals together. Cadets players are required to also attend grading (as a team if possible) to assist competition placement.
In 2024:
U15s cannot play in the seniors competition
U16s can play in seniors as a second game, but must play Cadets
U17s can play either seniors or Cadets
U18s in Yr12 may be able to play in Cadets - please contact registrar@lindfieldnetball.org as there is a limit of 3 U18s per team.
More information is coming, however KNA is excited to add two “Fast Five” competitions held on Thursday nights. Similar to Spring comp, uniforms will be decided by each team, and reduced playing fees for those already playing on Saturdays. Open to male and female players.
To register - www.playhq.com/netball-australia/register/158415
What else should I know?
U5 - Born 2020 (in Kindy)
U6 - Born 2019
U7 - Born 2018
U8 - Born 2017
U9 - Born 2016
U10 - Born 2015
U11 - Born 2014
U12 - Born 2013
Inters - Born 2011 & 2012
Cadets - Born 2008, 2009, 2010
Seniors - Born 2007 or before
Most teams train for 1 hour per week on Wednesday afternoons at Lofberg Road Netball Courts, West Pymble. Training times are on the hour or half hour from 4pm - 8pm. Courts may also be available for use at Lindfield Public School on Monday/Tuesday or Canoon Road Courts by request.
Games are played at the same time and venue each week. NSG times are to be confirmed in early 2025, but will be at the same time and place each week.
NetSetGo (U5, U6, U7, U8): Saturday 8am - 1pm (sessions are on the hour),
Lofberg Road Netball Courts, West PymbleFast 5: Thursday, 5.30pm, 6.15pm & 7pm ,Canoon Road Netball Courts, South Turramurra. Fast 5 Rules
U9 - Seniors: Saturdays, Canoon Road Netball Courts, South Turramurra
CLICK HERE for Saturday age group playing times to check against your family's other activities.
Club uniforms are required on game day to play in the competition. Players can wear:
Netball dress - all age groups
Singlet & shorts - all age groups
Singlet & black leggings (any length) - U15 & older
Singlet & black shorts - boys (U5-U14)
All age groups have the option of wearing a long sleeved plain WHITE Tshirt and plain BLACK leggings under their dress/singlet/shorts for warmth or modesty. If you require any adjustments to our uniform to participate, please contact us.
Uniforms are available for purchase on our website and at grading and preseason club training days. Second hand dresses may be purchased direct from club members through our Facebook page HERE.
A current NSW Working With Children Check is required by ALL VOLUNTEERS at the club who are 18 years and over - NO EXEMPTIONS. This includes Team Managers, Coaches and any Parents supervising training. Working With Children Check can be obtained from the NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian and is free for volunteers.
To apply visit: https://www.ocg.nsw.gov.au/child-safe-organisations/working-with-children-check
We expect that all families are able to help the Club out in some way, either through volunteering with the committee, coaching, or umpiring games (NetSetGo). During the season, we will also require volunteers for grounds duty – a necessary function to ensure game days run smoothly. Teams will be notified of when it is their turn to assist.
We encourage all parents and players to be familiar with our Codes of Conduct.