Lindfield Netbalklub
Wees Betrokke
Wees Betrokke
This is an online shop staffed by our volunteers working around their family commitments.
Players do need to wear our uniform on game days to take the court, this is an association requirement.
Netball dress - all age groups
Singlet & shorts - all age groups
Singlet & black leggings (any length) - U15 & older
Singlet & black shorts - boys (U5-U14)
All age groups have the option of wearing a long sleeved plain WHITE Tshirt and plain BLACK leggings under their dress/singlet/shorts for warmth or modesty. If you require any adjustments to our uniform to participate, please contact us.
Uniform Collection times
Uniforms will be available for collection by arrangement with our uniform convenor uniforms@lindfieldnetball.org
Returns and exchanges
Unworn items may be returned or exchanged by arrangement. There may be a delay in exchanges due to this being an online platform staffed by volunteers fitting orders around their own family commitments.
Please use the sizing guides in the item photos to measure your player, or use their favourite athletic singlet or tshirt before placing your order ensure a close fit. We also encourage you to ask a team mate to try on their uniform if they are similar size, and use that as your guide. We are unable to guess your players size based off age, height or weight.
Second Hand Uniforms
Looking for a second hand Lindfield Netball Club uniform or hoodie? Visit the Lindfield Netball Second Hand Uniforms Group to connect with other members. Please ensure any items purchased say "LINDFIELD" on the side of the dress, as LINDEM uniforms can no longer be worn on the court for any age group.
Have you ordered your personalised wine yet?
Thanks to the expertise of Tom's Cellars, we have a fantastic selection of fundraising wine that can be delivered to your door!

Ons erken en betaal respek aan alle tradisionele bewaarders van die lande waarvan ons netbal speel. Ons betoon ons respek aan ouderlinge in die verlede, hede en opkomendes.
Ons verbind ons daartoe om met respek te werk om hul voortdurende kulturele en geestelike verbintenisse met hierdie land te eer en die rol en waarde van kultuur in al ons gemeenskappe te erken.