Lindfield Netbalklub
Sien asseblief hieronder 'n versameling dokumente, beleide, prosedures en vorms wat deur ouers, deelnemers, vrywilligers en belangstellendes by ons organisasie vereis mag word.
Constitution of
"Insert Club Name Here" Netball Club Incorporated
Risk Management Policy
Although "Insert Club Name Here" Netball Club does not have their own facility, there are areas of Risk Management in which the Club is diligent:
Member Welfare Policy
The "Insert Club Name Here" are committed to the welfare of our members
Player Policy
Players are the heart and soul of the "Insert Club Name Here" Netball Club
Coaches Policy
Coaches have a vitally important position within the "Insert Club Name Here"
Umpire Policy
Umpire responsibilities are outlined in our policy document
This pro-forma letter will help you approach businesses when seeking donations or sponsorship for the club.